FSI events during summer term 2022

Dear fellow students,

finally, last semester’s exams are over, and the new semester starts next week.
Accordingly, we have prepared a few events for you!

Thu 21.04. ICT Masters programme kick-off meeting, 13:00, H15, Cauerstr. 7 and Zoom
Tue 26.04. Online Q&A Session, 20:00h, Zoom
Tue 03.05 Game night, 19:00h, 01.021, Cauerstr. 7
Tue 10.05 Pub crawl, 19:30h Schlossplatz Erlangen
Mon 20.06 Soldering evening, 18:15h, 0.150-115, Cauerstr. 7

(All times are in Central European [Summer] Time, CE[S]T)

ICT Masters programme kick-off meeting
Thu 21.04. 13:00, H15, Cauerstr. 7 and simultaniously on Zoom

The Kick-off meeting is especially for students who are new at FAU might also be useful to those of you who have already studied here. You will receive an introduction to many important formalities of the ICT master’s program at FAU. In addition, Joanna Kudanowska from the Study Service Center and several members of the student union will be available to answer any questions you may have about the ICT programme. You can participate in person or online. You can find the Zoom meeting room here: https://fau.zoom.us/j/65198472550?pwd=bTE4V0V2c2dPUmVIVGtMcW44WGlEZz09
Afterwards, there will be a campus tour with us for those of you who are on site. We will, of course, be available to answer any further questions you may have.

Online Q&A Session
26.04. 20:00h, Zoom

You have questions about studying, events, life as a student or something else? We have the answers. After the first questions have been answered, we will introduce you to some interesting services offered by FAU, the Studentenwerk and others, and explain how some online systems work, such as creating schedules or finding rooms.
You can join via this link: https://fau.zoom.us/j/66102190532?pwd=R2ZheW9MUmVZNWIrbTRYR2pvYVRUUT09

Game night
03.05. 19:00h, room 01.021, Cauerstr. 7

Finally, we can organize game nights in presence again! We will start at 19h, but you can join us later on. We will play different games and if you like you can bring your own. There will be drinks at cost price and snacks. If you like, you can also bring your own games. Around 20:30h we will order pizza together (cost price).
Masks will be mandatory and please take a quick test beforehand if possible.
We are looking forward to a fun evening with you!

Pub crawl
10.05. 19:30h, Schlossplatz Erlangen

Since the pub crawl was so well received last semester, we want to repeat it this semester! We will go through the bars of Erlangen together. You will get to know new bars, new people and the members of the FSI. Thanks to the “students tuesday” there are cheap drink specials in every bar.
Meeting point is the SchlossPLATZ at the Friedrich statue at 19:30h. The first bar that will be visited is Glüxrausch. So if you are late, you can find us there. You can find the route and all bars in thePDF file here https://iuk.fsi.fau.de/sites/default/files/Kneipentour%20pub%20crawl%20FSI%20IuK%20SS22.pdf or interactively here: https://fsv.tf/pubcrawliukss22

Soldering evening
20.06. 18:15h, room 0.150-115 (“GET-Praktikum”), Cauerstr. 7

Since we never get the chance to solder in our technical studies, but it can be very useful, we offer a soldering evening starting this semester. Here you can learn the basics of soldering, improve your technique, and get to know your fellow students in a relaxed atmosphere. You will get kits and a short introduction. From then on you can just try it out, but we are always available for help. Afterwards we will work out together how some aspects of the kits actually work.
This offer is primarily intended for students of the second bachelor semester, but since this year is the first time we organize the soldering evening, all semesters are welcome to participate.

Also, please subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about our future events: https://lists.fau.de/cgi-bin/listinfo/stuve-iuk-news

Have a good start into the semester! We are looking forward to seeing you at our events!

See you soon,


Game Night #2

Dear ICT students,

chill the drinks, unpack the snacks and get to your PC. We would like to invite you to our online game night on Wednesday!

Due to the current situation, we decided with a heavy heart that the second game night in this term will not take place in presence, but we will hold it online like last semester.

It will start on Wednesday, 24.11. at 6 pm. You can join via this link: https://fau.zoom.us/j/65613173195?pwd=SjJ0eXpJU0kwTzZzbmhYZ0RzbTdlUT09

We will play online games like Skribbl, Garticphone, Cards Against Humanity and many more. Feel free to suggest some as well.

Ii would be great if you could share the game night info in your messenger groups, with those students who do not receive our emails. Naturally, students from other programmes are welcome to attend as well.

We are looking forward to seeing you!


FSI Logo Contest

Dear IuK/ICT Students, 

we need your support. As you might have noticed, our FSI logo is quite outdated (see our website). In the context of a competition we would like to invite you to share your thoughts and ideas with us. 

The design with the most votes from the FSI jury will be featured as a logo on our website and other media. 

Conditions of participation:

  • Every IuK/ICT student
  • FSI IuK/ICT letters should appear in the logo (in case of an image, it is also sufficient to add the wording in small letters underneath)
  • Textual description or a sketch is sufficient
  • Please do not use any material that is subject to any licenses.

The logo should be usable for our website, posters for events, t-shirts and possibly also as e-mail signature.

Deadline of the competition: 26.11.2021

Prize: Raspberry Pi Pico + 2 drinks of your choice at the next FSI event.

You can send us your ideas via email, Discord, or also upload them in the FAUbox (Link: https://faubox.rrze.uni-erlangen.de/getlink/fiB7BTCtX19SfnnwQnb1qndE/, password: Logo).

With your participation you assure that included illustrations, graphics and photos, which were not created by yourself, can be used license-free and free of charge. With the submission you transfer the rights of use of the logo to the FSI IuK/ICT. The FSI IuK/ICT is entitled to use, reproduce, distribute, exhibit and publicly reproduce your works in modified or unmodified form without any restriction of the factual, spatial or temporal scope of use and for all known and unknown types of use that may come into consideration. This consent also includes digitalization. German law applies to the agreement and declaration of release.

Good luck, 


Pub Crawl

Hello dear ICT students,

next Tuesday, 02.11.21 we will do a pub crawl with you through the bars of Erlangen!

We will meet at the Friedrich statue at Schloßplatz (49.597745863236895, 11.00405374955271) at 19:00. Then we will move from bar to bar together. Please be on time so we don’t leave without you.

Attached you can find all the places we want to go to. The first stop will be Glüxrausch if you want to join us a little bit later.

Since Tuesday is student day, there will be lots of drink specials and good vibes.

It is important to note that some bars apply the 3G PLUS rule, which means people who are neither vaccinated nor recovered must be P C R – t e s t e d.

We are looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday!


FSI Meeting

On Thursday we will hold our next FSI meeting and we thought maybe some of you would like to get an impression on how it is going.
We are always happy to have new members in the FSI and this would be the perfect opportunity to see what we are doing.

About joining the FSI

No obligations!
We all do it voluntarily in our free time, so there are no ECTS, no compulsory attendance, or “membership lists”. No one has to sacrifice all of their free time, everyone can contribute as much as you feel like and have time for, and no one is upset if someone does nothing for a few weeks. We are happy about every bit of help.

What does the FSI do?
We are the contact for information, questions or problems, we have collections of lecture notes, old exams etc., we are active in different committees, we organize events like the regulars’ table, game night, FSI-barbecue, pub crawl and much more.

What do you get out of it?
You get to know people from your study program better, you can actively participate in designing the study program, you get an insight behind the scenes and can participate in committees, you volunteer and train your soft skills a little.

The FSI meeting will be held on Thursday, Oct. 28 at 8 p.m. via *Zoom *https://fau.zoom.us/j/63368573131?pwd=d2pEM2IxdGJkRGh1NkRXWGF0eW8xQT09 <https://fau.zoom.us/j/63368573131?pwd=d2pEM2IxdGJkRGh1NkRXWGF0eW8xQT09>.
We will plan the upcoming pub crawl, talk about FSI finances, and agree on a regular date for FSI meetings.

We welcome anyone who feels like getting a little involved!

Game Night

We would like to invite you to our game night this Thursday (21.10.) at 7pm in room 01.021 at Cauerstraße 7 in the EEI building.

Directions: Go to the EEI building, in the right tower, the tower where the FSI room is located, go up to the first floor and there you will find the room.

We would like to play all kinds of board and card games with you. If you are interested, there will also be a Pen&Paper round. You are also very welcome to bring your own games.

If you feel like getting to know your fellow students from different years and the FSI better, or just want a nice evening, come by! Also feel free to bring along other students who haven’t received this email.

Due to hygiene regulations, we will have to check 3G (vaccinated, recovered, tested – no self tests) on everyone present and masks will be mandatory throughout the evening.

Drinks and snacks can be bought cheaply from us the whole evening.

We are looking forward to seeing you!