Exam registration and deregistration in campo
How to find a room by its number?
- Study Guide (starting at p.74)
- https://www.iuk.studium.fau.de/studierende/studienfuehrer-und-ordnungen
- will answer most questions you might have about the ICT programme
- click on “Studienführer Bachelor/Master”
- the english language part is at the bottom of the pdf
- Joanna Kudanowska – contact her for any question regarding technicalities of the programme: https://www.eei.tf.fau.de/person/joanna-kudanowska/
- There usually is no mandatory attendance except for labs, seminars and language courses. Ask the lecturer, if you’re unsure.
- Joining a course on StudOn usually is not binding except if communicated differently
- Registration on campo for an exam is binding (but you can deregister until up to three working days before the exam)
2. Campo, StudOn, UnivIS
- campo: https://www.campo.fau.de
- room search
- finding courses
- create schedule
- anything related to exams:
- registering for exams (Prüfungsanmeldung)
- transcript of records (Notenspiegel/Studienmatrix)
- re-registering for the next semester (Rückmeldung)
- StudOn: https://www.studon.fau.de
- search
- Repository – Home > My Courses and Groups
- In course: actions > add to favourites
- Forums: questions to professors or students
- “Beitreten” = join
- “Ankündigungen” = announcements
- UnivIS: https://univis.fau.de
- Legacy system! The information on this portal is potentially completely outdated! Please use the information found there with caution!
- may still be interesting for finding buildings and rooms
- Oktis: https://sprachkurse.fau.de
- Registering for language courses
3. Other FAU Services
- IdM: https://idm.fau.de/
- view and update your personal information (address etc.)
- (un-)subscribe to/from official mailing lists
- change passwords
- gain access to MS Teams and some other Microsoft services
- register for the library
- Examination Offices (“Prüfungsämter”): https://www.fau.eu/education/advice-and-services/examination-offices
- official information about exam dates
- information about what to do when you are sick on the day of an exam
- information about compensation of disadvantages
- etc.
- Semester dates FAU: https://www.fau.de/education/studienorganisation/semestertermine
- Student Service Center:
- Joanna Kudanowska is the study coulselor for IuK/ICT
- https://www.eei.tf.fau.de/studium/studien-service-center
- RRZE: https://www.rrze.fau.de
- the IT department of the university
- FAU-Mail forwarding
- WiFi
- (free) software
- helpdesk
- free access to HPC clusters for bachelors and masters thesis
- many other services, courses and tutorials
- Some additional Microsoft Software : https://azureforeducation.microsoft.com/devtools
- use MS Teams login
- Library: https://ub.fau.de
- lend books
- find papers, magazines, etc.
- FAU Videos: https://www.fau.tv
- main recordings of past lectures
- Some are password protected. Password can often be found in the studon groups of the lectures.
- Stuve https://stuve.fau.de
- Information about student representation of FAU
- Student groups: https://stuve.fau.de/en/gruppen/
- Checklist https://stuve.fau.de/willkommen/checkliste/
- Semesterticket VGN: https://www.vgn.de/tickets/studenten/semesterticket-erlangen-nuernberg/
- will be replaced starting in winter semester 2023/2024 with “Deutschlandticket”
- FAUbox: https://faubox.rrze.uni-erlangen.de
- cloud storage
- free for university members
- clients are available for Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android and iOS
4. Studentenwerk Services
- Studierendenwerk: https://www.werkswelt.de/?setlang=en
- Cafeteria “Mensa”
- Counseling centers https://www.werkswelt.de/index.php?id=service-beratung
- psychological counseling
- social counseling
- legal advice
- BAföG
- etc.
5. Accomodation
- Referat Accomodation FAU: https://www.fau.de/education/studentisches-leben/wohnen/#collapse_0
- Dormitories
- application: https://www.werkswelt.de/index.php?id=erlangen
- Shared flats (WG = Wohngemeinschaft): https://www.wg-gesucht.de
6. Jobs
Finding jobs:
- https://www.jobs.fau.de
- the Internship Office (Praktikumsamt): https://www.eei.tf.fau.de/studium/praktikumsamt/#collapse_20
- bulletin boards and monitors around the universities
- search online
- ask around
- take the initiative!
7. Perks as student and other useful things
- Student discount
- UniDays: https://www.myunidays.com/DE/de-DE
many other sellers, just look around
- UniDays: https://www.myunidays.com/DE/de-DE
- Semester abroad: https://www.fau.de/education/international/wege-ins-ausland/studieren-im-ausland/erasmus-studium/erasmus-partnerhochschulen/
- Partnerunis (no fees; ERASMUS)
- Registration: e.g. January 2023 for SoSe 2023 and WS2023/2024
- Attend info events
- DeepL: https://www.deepl.com/en/translator